Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
Over the past few months, we have continuously monitored theglobal situation of COVID-19 development. In consultation withexhibitors, visitors and partners from domestic and abroad as well astaking into account many uncertainties caused by COVID-19,Xiamen Stone Fair Organizing Committee has made the followingdecision after deliberate consideration and evaluation: ChinaXiamen International Stone Fair, originally scheduled in October,2020, will be postponed to 2021. We deeply apologize for anyinconvenience this rescheduling may cause
Promoting the import and export trade of global stone industry isthe commitment of Xiamen Stone Fair all along. As a one-stopplatform for product display, market expanding and informationexchange, Xiamen Stone Fair becomes a must-attend annual eventwithin the industry. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, we havebeen making great efforts to prepare for the trade fair postponed toOctober and striving to present a high quality event. However, withthe ongoing COVID-19 development and its widespread impactaround the world, business travel has been affected due to visadelays, limited flights, compulsory quarantines and other objectivereasons. Given the situation, it is difficult to maintain the value ofXiamen Stone Fair when the presence of exhibitors and visitors fromall over the world cannot be guaranteed.
Under current circumstances, we will keep operating Cloud XiamenStone Fair with our efforts as always. To help resume the stoneindustry, the online platform enables product showcase, businessnegotiation and networking, and plays as a complementarycounterpart and warm-up for the physical trade fair. We willcontinue to improve the system and develop more online events likeproduct promotion and webinars so as to better serve our exhibitorsand visitors.
We promise to arrange follow-up services properly and wholeheartedly.Xiamen Stone Fair is always standing with our stone community,facing challenges and overcoming difficulties, and will continue itsdedication to reviving the stone industry.
Please visit for up-to-date information anddetails of Xiamen Stone Fair
All the best,
Xiamen/Stone Falt Organizing Committee
July 29,2020

-All diamond tools can be ordered and fabricated!
-Henry Wang | Quote Manager
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